I'd like to talk to you about pet vaccinations. I cannot tell you legally what to do since I'm not licensed but I can share with you what I do with my own pets â" or in had done!
I actually believe several things happened to my own dogs due to the practice of overvaccinating...
My previous dog, Fridge - a big, beautiful golden retriever boy - was an amazing and wonderful dog. I got him as an 8 week old puppy from a client of the veterinarian I was working for at the time. During that time parvo virus was really wrecking havoc on our dogs and puppies, so the vaccine was being further developed and supposedly made better.
Well, since I was so entrenched in the "traditional" medicine idea that you use preventatives, vaccinate, and feed kibble, then vaccinate some more, I proceeded to REALLY vaccinate Fridge. He got a good series of puppy vaccinations because I was taking him with me to work on a regular basis. I wanted to make sure he was really "protected". Well, I may have ended his life early by overdoing it.
You see, Fridge started having seizures shortly after I started his regimen of vaccinations. I never equated the two either. He always had so many allergies to so many things. I was using regular fertilizers, cleaners, and pesticides on top of it all. It never occurred to me that Fridge was most likely suffering from heavy toxicity due to all the chemicals he was encapsulated in, including the overvaccinating.
Poor guy, I wonder if things would've been different if I had known the truth. I think so. He's one of my primary reasons for publishing AspenbloomWellPet. Shadrach, my Neapolitan Mastiff, is my other primary reason. I want to help pet owners NOT go through what I've gone through with my two special boys.
My husband and I got Shadrach as a rescue. Not a traditional rescue but a rescue nonetheless, meaning my cousin rescued him and we ended up with him. I was a bit further along in my knowledge of a natural approach for humans, in fact much further along but not as savvy on pets, YET. Shadrach has been implemental in my discovering and continuing to discover the way to true wellness for pets using natural remedies, products, and approaches.
I vaccinated Shadrach, a couple of times, normal puppy shots. I didn't overdo it but Shadrach's system was already compromised due to the fact he had been abused and nearly starved to death prior to coming to live with us. He needed raw food, natural care, not more toxicity to battle. He was not well the first year and half we had him and now I wonder if the vaccinating and preventatives (pesticides really) were compromising his system further. I was still feeding "premium" kibble. I used flea and tick shampoo. I used the heartworm preventative. During all this time I also painted my house - more toxins for Shadrach to battle AND my husband and I.
Shadrach had continuing health problems, especially allergies and skin problems. He contracted Bordetella from a dog friend of his. He was so sick for nearly 3 months. He got 2 full courses of antibiotics and got skinny all over again. It was agony for us to see this young dog so sick and we thought we were doing all the right things. In fact, I vaccinated him for Bordetella a few times after his illness thinking I was further protecting him when in reality I was most likely further compromising his system.
Thank God, I started researching things. I thought, "if we can do natural for us, why not our critters". I discovered this whole world of holistic natural care, and you are now reading my findings. I found a couple of great holistic vets willing to help educate me. Now, at 5 1/2 years old, Shadrach is fully "natural". He's healthy and I believe that's why he is healthy. I am hoping that I didn't shorten his sweet life by my unknowing "care". I've met some wonderful people in the holistic industry who've guided me and helped me learn. Now I'm going to be further educated and certified so I can help as many others as are willing to learn. My hope is that many more animals will be spared the harm that was done, albeit unwittingly, to my poor boys.
Animals have always been my passion and now coupled with the need to share natural care, I hope many will be spared unnecessary pain and suffering - critters and their owners.

Kim Bloomer of Aspenbloom is a preventative pet care consultant and also publishes a pet wellness RSS channel, Aspenbloom WellPet and Aspenbloom Pet Products. Go to Aspenbloom Pet Care for details. Coming soon - "All God's Creatures" audio preventative pet care classes in Pet World Of Interest.