Dog Training

Dog training is an essential part of having a good relationship between dog and owner. A trained dog that knows boundaries and is confident in its place within the family unit.

Different dog training methods:

Reward based:

Reward based dog training methods are where the dog is praised or given a reward for a good behavior. For example giving your dog a dog treats when it sits. Reward based training is not limited to food treats, Toys, verbal praise and physical praise are also acceptable reward based training. Check out our great range of dog toys.

Correction based:

Correction based dog training is when a dog is physically or verbally corrected. For example a dog being pushed into a sit position when it does not compile with the sit command. Correction based methods include electric shock collars etc which most modern dog training in the United Kingdom are strongly against.

Clicker training:

Clicking training is where a good behavior presented by the dog is rewarded by a click sound. A lot of dog trainers are now using clicker training as it presents a hands off method as far away from correction based training as possible. Clicker training is very efficient and flexible way of training dogs.

Different types of dog training:

Obedience: Obedience is commands such as sit, down, stand, stay, heelwork, scent work and retrieves.

Agility: Agility is where a dog and handler negotiate a course of obstacles including tunnels, jumps, the A- frame and much more. Agility is a timed sport the fastest dog with the least amount of faults wins.

Flyball: Two teams of dogs compete against each other in a race down 4 jumps to collect a tennis ball from a specially designed box and return up the 4 jump the fastest team with no mistakes wins.

Another important thing to remember is what you teach your dog is up to you. You do not need to follow any rules or set standard teach them whatever you want

Experimenting is always a good idea.

Ashley Peach
Dog toy