Peanut Agility Trial blunders Hoodoo 26 to 27 October 2008

I think this is true test of agility peanut second. Technically, well ... We only have a couple of runs right in February after my knee surgery (in this scooter!), But I ended up scratching so that really does not matter. Peanut is great in this process! For the first time I was actually pulling the ring! I have some 'eyes with dew when I go back to how it was a few years (* see below for their history agility think). Qd 7 of 8 runs. What I do not get slideshowswas entirely my fault. He finished his outstanding Novice Jumpers (NJC O-) title and her Novice Chances title (NCC)! Way to go nuts! ______________________ * For the uninitiated, should any problem with agility nut had. She was my first agility dog and it was with some methods that really work for her has not yet taught slideshow. It 'got to the point that if we went into the ring began to tremble and try to run and hide. He went into a sort of an early retirement scheme if I Dazzle. Once I learnedmore training, I started again with strictly positive on methods. Nothing he does is always regarded as wrong. You can jump out of contacts, off course, to break the lines ..... you get the idea. If outside, and fun, everything is fine with me. So after several years of hard work is what we have! We need to do a job (will not be continuing to overcome obstacles), but the improvement in my opinion, is remarkable. I can dig some old video of her at some point...