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Shih Tzu - The Words We Teach Our Shih Tzu
The first word you teach your shih tzu should be his or her name. Use your shih tzu's name often and lovingly. Associate your shih tzu's name with all the good things in the shih tzu's life: food, loving pats, walks, playtime. Usually the shih tzu will learn its name extremely quickly. Remember: Shih tzu are a highly intelligent breed. You should have a specific word that means "dismiss." For example, a shih tzu told to "sit," should put his/her rump on the ground and keep it there until told otherwise (this does take time, patience and practice). You will need to determine what word, command or phrase you want to use to release your shih tzu from the sitting position. It could "free," or "take a break." Avoid using the word "OK." The words you decide to use while training should never change and should always mean the same thing. Do not use words that sound very much alike. This can become confusing to the shih tzu. Once you have taught your shih tzu the meaning to a word or phrase, use the word or phrase only at the times you want the shih tzu to perform the particular behavior. For example: If you say the word, "sit," "sit," "sit," a lot around your dog and do not follow through without having the dog to respond, the meaning to the word "sit" will vanish. If you say "sit," mean "sit," and give your dog the reward for performing this behavior. Once your shih tzu learns the behavior, you can give him/her other rewards besides food treats, such as a nice, loving pat, but don't say "good boy," or "good girl" after the pat. The loving pat is the shih tzu's reward. The word to which the shih tzu has obeyed still remains "sit." You will need to practice your lessons in all places you want your shih tzu to do whatever it is you are teaching. For example: If you are teaching your shih tzu sit. Perform the lessons in every possible place you can think of where you want this behavior to occur.