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Home Alone Troubles
Leaving Your Dog Home Alone Do you have problems leaving your dog home alone? Do you come home, only to find that your dog has been up to mischief or tried to escape from the yard? This is not an uncommon problem at all, and we'll explain why your dog behaves badly when alone and what you can do about it. Dogs experience many of the same emotions as humans such as anxiety, boredom and depression. If one of these emotions is triggered, it will also affect their behavior or lack thereof. Since dogs are pack animals, they are very sociable and simply do not like to be left alone. When a dog is left alone it can experience a feeling of neglect, depression, boredom and anxiety. Neglect can lead a dog to cry and howl for an extended period of time. This will happen as you leave and while you are gone. If a dog feels bored while home alone, this is what can lead to destructive and naughty behavior e.g.: barking, chewing anything in sight and digging up the yard. The most detrimental effect on your dog however, is the feeling of an anxiety commonly referred to as "separation anxiety". The fear of abandonment that sets in can even cause your dog to feel sick, vomit and lose control of its bodily functions. The good news is that dogs can be trained out of anxiety, and a few simple techniques can be used to help relieve the stress on your dog when home alone. When leaving the house, a common mistake of owners is to give excessive emotional comforting to the dog. Extended "bye bye's" and "you're a good dog" do nothing but increase the dog's anxiety when you leave. So in future, when leaving, just do so with a quick and firm gesture. When returning, again do not make a big deal about it, just go about your business as if nothing has happened. It is also important to ensure that your dog won't be left without any entertainment. After all, the dog will need to something to occupy its time. Provide sufficient toys, something to chew on, dog biscuits and anything else that might help the dog beat boredom. If you're dog has a bad behavioral problem, try giving it some exercise before you leave. Getting rid of that extra energy can work wonders. With a little conditioning, your dog should have no problems being home alone. If you are still not confident about leaving your dog alone for extended periods, then start small. Go out for 30 minutes, then try an hour and progressively build up until both you and pooch are comfortable. If all else fails, then consult your vet, as there are medications available for dog anxiety.