Clicker Dog Training Tips - The Paw Command

Clicker dog training is a wonderful way to teach your dog different commands using positive reinforcement. The clicker is a simple device that makes a distinct click, and it can be used to "mark" desired behaviors by following the sound of the clicker with treats, praise or other rewards when your dog is doing something you want her to do. Even if you've never used a clicker before, it's easy to teach your dog to give you her "Paw" with this dog training tool.

Plan your first sessions to last only about 10-15 minutes each, especially if your dog is new to the clicker training tool. Clicker dog training sessions work best when your dog is well rested and only slightly hungry. Have a stash of soft, bite sized treats handy - and the clicker, of course!

When you're ready to begin the training session, sit on the floor or in a chair and have your dog sit right in front of you. With the clicker in one hand, reach down with your other hand and gently tickle your dog's leg right above her foot. Continue tickling her leg until she begins to lift her foot, then click to mark the behavior and follow with a treat and lots of praise. Continue this pattern until your dog begins to lift her foot as soon as you touch it, which could take a couple of sessions depending on your dog.

Once your dog has learned to lift her paw at your touch, it's time to introduce the command. "Paw" is one of the most popular commands for this trick, but you can use shake, high-five or any other word you choose. The important part is to use the same word each time. Say the command as you reach for your dog's paw, and when she lifts it then click, reward and praise. Ignore the urge to reprimand your dog if she doesn't get it right at first. Clicker dog training is all about positive reinforcement.

As you continue to use the chosen command word in your training sessions you can begin to fade out your hand motion until you don't have to touch your dog's leg anymore. Remember to treat and praise your pet profusely, and you will soon have a dog that will happily offer her paw to shake on command. The success of learning a simple command and the praise your dog receives from you are fantastic confidence builders for your pet. Once your dog has mastered the paw lift, you can use clicker dog training to build on that simple motion and teach more advanced tricks like spin or bow with ease.