Dog Name: Franklin Lhasa Happy Homes for adoption contact for more information about this and ' FRANKLIN ..... 10 kg, petite, gray / white, 3 years, Shih Tzu, which was extracted from the Lancaster shelter. Buried under a pile of dreadlocks and mats as was this little treasure. With his face and the body tries ET, Franklin is just a total love. He languished in the shelter for too long, why not look pretty .... but never afraid to take a dog,not "pretty." Under all that hair was a baby doll. Franklin had just arrived, so we know more about him once we know more about him. We can say that they like other dogs, loves people, seems to have no aggression issues, but education needs. More when we know more! Adoptions will be held every Sunday, 10-3:00 at My Pet NATURAL 12 001 Pico Boulevard. (1 blk East of Bundy) 310 477.3030