Besides the excitement of getting a puppy, one of the most challenging parts of dog ownership is teaching the dog to be obedient and establishing yourself as the dominant one in the dog-owner relationship. One of the basic obedience training points relevant in this regard is teaching your dog to sit on command.
As with every other dog training procedure, it is important to note that dogs are not humans and thus do not share your language or pattern of communication. It is important to bear this in mind, so that you will appreciate the essence of patience. For any reasonable results with dog training, it is important to be patient and repetitive with the training. Repetitions enable your dog to establish connections between your verbal commands and the action required of it. You should also learn to praise your dog every time he gets it right. Finally, the training sessions should not be boring to either of you. It is a good idea to keep the lessons short to start with and increase the time as you continue.
There are several training techniques to teach your dog to sit on command. Most dog trainers believe that you can start training your dog to sit at around three months old.
The first technique is simple and very good for young puppies. When you see your puppy about to sit, say the command 'sit' firmly and when your dog sits, praise him for getting it right. In no time, your puppy learns to associate the verbal command with the act of sitting and you can then get your puppy to sit just by saying it.
The above technique might not be that effective for older puppies. With older puppies, you can practice this second technique. With your dog in front of you, hold a tasty treat and pass it across the dog's nose and continue over his head a few centimeters high. In the process of trying to follow the motion of your hand, your dog assumes a sitting position. As soon as your dog plants his behind on the ground, say the word 'sit' firmly. If he sits down, reward him for it. Later you will not need the treat to make your dog sit on command.
Getting your dog to remain sitting shouldn't be as difficult. The idea is that when you command your dog to sit, he should remain sitting until you tell him to leave the sitting position. All you have to do is make your dig sit until you say a 'release' word that signifies that he is free to go. When in the sitting position, call your dog's name and add the 'release' word/statement. Your dog should come to you. With time, the dog understands that the word means he can stop sitting. During the training sessions, if your dog gets up before the release word, show him your disapproval and make him sit again. This way, the dog understands that he is supposed to sit until you say the release word.
These are just a few of the several techniques that can help with your dog training. Again, remember that you may not get instant results, but repetition, patience and rewarding your dog every time he gets it right, will work in the end.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Dog Training.