Dessert Category
Sor-bay at the Moon
Category: Dessert
Serves: 3 dozen
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Quick Tips:
Baby food is a great way to give your dog's nutritional intake a kickstart. It's typically all natrual, contains lots of vitamins and minerals, is easy to digest, and dogs love it. It is the perfect way to give your dog a treat they like that is also nutritional.
- 950 ml (4 cups) yogurt (any flavour)
- 1 jar baby food, fruit flavour
- 30 ml (2 Tbsp) honey
- 30 ml (2 Tbsp) natural peanut butter
- Puree all ingredients in a food processor. Keep it going until it is a smooth mixture. We don't want any lumps in there.
- Get your ice cube trays and pour the mixture into them. You will probably need 2 - 3 depending on the size.
- Now pop them in your freezer so they can at least freeze over night.
- When serving you can microwave briefly or pop them on the bench so they can thaw slightly before serving. You must be careful though as you don't want it melting and going all over the place. Best if you put it outside otherwise you will be either mopping the floor or worse yet, getting your carpets steam cleaned.
Justin Bryce is the Proprietor of Stop by for over 400 dog treat recipes and fantastic dog health and care tips plus way's to spoil your dog.